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2014-07-04 11:28  作者:国外考试部  来源:国外考试部  字号:T|T


《剑桥雅思官方指南》由剑桥大学出版社及剑桥大学外语考试部邀请三位内部专家(Pauline Cullen, Amanda French, Vanessa Jakeman)执笔撰写,独立自主研发完成。新东方作为《剑桥雅思官方指南》在中国大陆指定合作机构,将其引进中国大陆。





2014714-2014717 14:40-16:40




“The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS” is the definitive guide to IELTS. It focuses on skills development and test-taking strategies, to help the IELTS candidates maximize their band-scores. Packed with solid advice, this practical guide develops the candidates’ language, and explains how to tackle each part of the exam. Its exercises are based on research into real IELTS candidates' exam answers and the mistakes they make. These real practice tests ensure the candidates are completely familiar with the exam and are able to perform with confidence. Videos of the speaking test give the candidates a head start in a part of the exam that is more difficult to prepare for. By choosing “The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS” candidates can be confident they have the most authoritative preparation available for this potentially life-changing exam.“

---Mr. Tony Lund,Managing Director, Asia for Cambridge University Press